



In the World of Ore, a 12-year-old kafarba girl holds the key to her people's future. When she fails to find her animal form, Geriana becomes a target for those intent on her banishment--or worse, her elimination.

Legend of Geriana: Part One is a 300-page coming-of-age story written at a Middle-Grade level. This first installment explores themes of rejection and self-acceptance while introducing a unique and wonderful world of new and familiar races.

What's included:

• 45+ sketches

• Glossary pages

• Map

On the back cover:


As a herd leader's daughter, twelve-year-old Geriana holds the key to her people's future.

When she fails to find her animal form, Geriana faces great danger from those who would see her banished--or worse, eliminated. With so much at stake and so many against her, Geriana may find that her most deceptive enemies lurk within and her closes friends, her only allies.

Follow Geriana through her whimsical world in this two-part story. In Part One, discover the origin of a legend that forever changed the World of Ore.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 310 Pages

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