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Come One Come All: special edition


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Some authors write a series that will have your shelves decorated in eye candy. Some write a big fat standalone that immediately becomes a showstopper piece you can't help but display front and center. Then there are those, and albeit few, that write what Marilynn has coined, the 'quickie'. Or, the short story, to those unfamiliar with smut terms (pffft, we do hope it's pretty under those rocks).

Within the clutches of this gorgeous cover rests stories that hit like a novel, even in their restricted word count. The variety each tale encapsulates will transport you into a place of passion, heat, and rosy cheeks, and the best part is, they can be read in one sitting. Perfect for slumps-suffers (don't worry, wood was in fact knocked before writing that dreaded word), smutty newbies (we've been waiting for you), those who lack the time needed to commit to a full length novel or series (life can be a real book-blocker ~ amirite?), or the trope hopping good-girls that we know you are. Marilynn invites you to come... and get a unique reading experience that will leave you panting, swooning, questioning, and definitely... squirming. You'll get a little demon, priest, sapphic, grump boss, naughty delivery guy, bruiting Scotsman (you're welcome), shape-shifters, medieval, werewolf... and an entirely new trope (created by Marilynn herself) TikTok users are calling 4D...
So, sit back, tuck in, and refill your reading beverage of choice and let Marilynn's words fulfill the cravings you have. And when you finish, after you've properly recovered, she invites you to a sneak peek of her full length reverse age gap novel, High Stakes (genius we know).

Thank you for supporting Indie authors in their quest to fulfill all your hunger for smut and we hope these little ditties provide you with a... fruitful experience.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 458 Pages
  • File Size: 779 KB

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