



Everyone's talking about AI and using automated writing tools like ChatGPT. But what's really going on when we ask a machine to write for us? And should we be using these tools at all?

AI Can't Write, But You Can takes a deep dive into the implications of ChatGPT and makes a passionate case for the value of human writing in the age of AI.

This concise but hard-hitting book covers:

• How ChatGPT works and what it can and cannot do

• The many benefits of writing your own text, and how ChatGPT undermines them

• Why only you can write from your unique experience and view of the world

• How ChatGPT hallucinates and makes mistakes

• What ChatGPT means for art, learning and the workplace

• Why ChatGPT is a parasite on human creativity

• Why questioning ChatGPT doesn't make you a Luddite

• Twelve actionable tips for making your writing stand out from content produced with AI.

If you've ever wondered what's going on behind the screen with ChatGPT, or questioned the morality of automated writing tools, AI Can't Write, But You Can is for you.

Written by veteran writer and editor Tom Albrighton, author of How to Write Clearly and Copywriting Made Simple and original co-founder of ProCopywriters.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 100 Pages
  • File Size: 917 KB

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