



Winner of the Hollywood Book Festival, Paris Book Festival, the prestigious Literary Titan Award, as well as the Best Books Award from American Book Fest.

In the feline world, where tails command communication, balance, comfort, and even high fashion, poor Sammy struggles from the very start. Hurled into the chaos of life-changing circumstances, Sammy ends up on a mysterious journey across the southwestern United States. He and his assortment of strange travel companions take the scenic route to a destination that is to become their new home. There, in the security of his newly formed family, will little Sammy be able to overcome his unique challenges?

This story is based on the life of a cat who is missing his tail. His backstory is uncommon, yet his life experiences are universally relatable. His impressive character growth makes him ideal for children's literature. Join us for this award-winning, embellished rendition of real events!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 43 Pages

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