



Succeeding in a 21st Century world requires learning and employing 21st Century tools. Life doesn't add up for most Americans. Housing is unaffordable. College loan debt is over $1.5 trillion, and consumer debt is higher than it has ever been. Buy & Hope has investors riding the Wall Street rollercoaster, losing more than half in recessions and praying to make up losses in the bull markets. Credit and duration risk in the bond market caused long-term bonds to lose more than stocks did in 2022. Fortunately, there are solutions.

Learn easy-as-a-pie-chart strategies that earned gains in the Dot Com and the Great Recessions, and outperformed the bull markets in between. Learn a Thrive Budget® that launches you out of struggling to survive and into a richer life. Getting safe is tricky, but doable, once you know what's safe in a Debt World. These systems are so easy and efficacious that they were enthusiastically recommended by Nobel Prize winning economist Gary Becker (who wrote the Preface to Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is), the former Chairman and CEO of TD AMERITRADE, Joe Moglia, and hundreds of thousands of people who have transformed their lives and relationship with money, as a result of reading and implementing these time-proven strategies.

Our easy, pie chart nest egg strategies take the emotions out of investing. Regular rebalancing is a Buy Low, Sell High plan on auto-pilot. A good system costs less time and money than blind faith.

The Thrive Budget will teach you how to thrive, rather than being buried alive in bills. Cutting out café lattes might make you cranky, but it won't make you rich. Neither will putting money in piggy banks and jars. Learn the tricks of the wealthy and where the real holes in your budget are - in the big-ticket bills. Once you do, you can stop making everyone else rich at your own expense and save thousands annually.

It's essential to know what is safe in a world that is drowning in debt. There is an entire section devoted to this. Adding performance to your portfolio can be quite rewarding. Should you invest in crypto? Real estate? International equities? All of this is covered in depth in this 6th edition, which was updated in August of 2024.

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  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 318 Pages

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