



Is it possible to have a "good" divorce?

Divorce is expensive. It can complicate your relationship with your kids. It can be impossible to keep a healthy relationship with your ex. And it's downright messy. But is breaking up really that hard to do? Is it really possible to separate from your partner in a way that doesn't drain your bank account, traumatize the kids, or turn you and your ex into sworn enemies?

With this detailed guide from Dr. Leigh Ann Greenberg, a family law attorney and pharmacist, you can plan and prepare for an inexpensive divorce that leaves you and your spouse informed and properly prepared for the road ahead.

A divorcée herself, Dr. Greenberg has helped many clients through this journey without destroying their bank accounts and relationships.

In The Graceful Goodbye, you will understand how to:

• Divorce-proof your finances so you can stay within budget

• Prepare yourself mentally and physically for the marathon ahead

• Create a clear financial picture of your assets and your debts so you can protect and plan for your future

• Find a lawyer who won't treat you like their personal ATM

• Co-parent without wanting to pull your hair out (or your spouse's)

Even if you aren't ready to file for divorce, The Graceful Goodbye is a must-read before you step foot into an attorney's office. Get your copy today!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 103 Pages
  • File Size: 3,627 KB

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