


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is eReaderIQ free?
    • Yes, eReaderIQ is completely free to use!
  • Do I have to create an account to use eReaderIQ?
    • No, you do not need an account to browse the daily deals posted on eReaderIQ. You do, however, need an account to use our book and author tracking services. Setting up an account takes about 5 seconds.
  • Why am I not receiving emails from eReaderIQ?
    • The emails that eReaderIQ sends you might be getting rejected or are ending up in your spam folder or being blocked by your email provider. If you go to the My Notifications page and see that your emails are being rejected, please contact us to let us know. If your notifications are not showing as rejected, adding "" to your address book and / or allowed senders list may fix the issue.
  • Where can I sign up for the eReaderIQ Daily Deals & Steals email?
  • I have another question about the eReaderIQ Daily Deals & Steals email?
    • You can visit the Daily Deals & Steals FAQ page.
  • How do I change my email address for eReaderIQ?
  • Does eReaderIQ only show prices for Amazon Kindle books?
    • Yes, we only show prices for Amazon Kindle books. We may add support for iBooks, Nook and others in the future.
  • Can I download books directly from eReaderIQ?
    • No. All of our links point to where you can purchase and download your books.
  • Can I read Kindle books without a Kindle?
    • Yes! You can read Kindle books on a Kindle, smartphone, tablet, or even in your web browser. Learn more about Free Reading Apps at Amazon.
  • I purchase my Kindle books from, but the prices you display are not always accurate. What gives?
    • The prices displayed on eReaderIQ are valid for users based in the United States. Pricing and availability may vary if you are an user who lives outside of the United States. This is controlled by Amazon or the authors, and unfortunately, we are unable to do anything about it.
  • I live in the United States and purchase my Kindle books from, but the prices still aren't accurate. Why?
    • Book prices change often. eReaderIQ tries to stay on top of those price changes, but we can't keep up with all of them at the moment that they happen. Because of this, it is possible to come across an expired deal which has not yet been picked up by our system. If you do click on a link from eReaderIQ and the price is different on Amazon, just know that the price displayed on is always the price you will pay for a book. Please make sure to always double-check the price before making any purchases.
  • I purchased a book through eReaderIQ and later realized I was charged more than expected. What can I do?
    • eReaderIQ does not sell any Kindle books. We simply link to deals we find on If you paid more than you wanted to for a book, you can return it to within 7 days of the date of purchase. You can do this through the "Manage Your Kindle" page on or by contacting their Customer Service Department.
  • What does it mean to follow an author?
    • If you are following an author you will receive a notification via email and on the My Notifications page each time a book from that author goes on sale.
  • A book is missing from my Watch List. Where did it go?
    • Sometimes books are removed from If this happens we can no longer track the book and are forced to remove it from your Watch List.
  • I'm an author. How can I be featured on eReaderIQ?
    • We do our best to make sure all sales are featured automatically. If you would like to notify us of a particularly great deal, please contact us!
  • Apparently, my question is not "frequent" enough. Who can I ask?
    • For questions, comments, bug reports, media inquiries, or anything else, head over to our Contact Us page.