Honestly Ben
In the companion to Openly Straight, Ben confronts pressure at school, repression at home, and his passion for two very different people in figuring out what it takes to be Honestly Ben. The companion to the award-winning... See More
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(983 reviews)
Quick ViewIn the companion to Openly Straight, Ben confronts pressure at school, repression at home, and his passion for two very different people in figuring out what it takes to be Honestly Ben. The companion to the award-winning... See More
(3 reviews)
Quick View"Durant's story is slyly whimsical as she builds up the world of Marbryn, a world where there are many wonders, but also threats to the existence of Blue's tribe." - Jack Magnus From Reader's Favorite. "The Blue Unicorn... See More
(21 reviews)
Quick ViewA unicorn fairy tale from the unicorn's point of view. "Durant's story is slyly whimsical as she builds up the world of Marbryn, a world where there are many wonders, but also threats to the existence of Blue's tribe."... See More
by Jamie Skeie
(3 reviews)
Quick ViewThe Purple Purse Merman features a story about a parallel universe. A father and son are going on a camping trip, right when a purple merman encounters a flying superstar parrot. This parrot is named Orion the Star. Orion... See More
by Eden O'Neill
(1,496 review)
Quick ViewSome stars fall. Others... disappear. My sister is gone and no one seems to really give a sh*t about that but me. Everyone's made things about them, her memory only that and I'm left to sort through all my own pieces. I'm... See More