



Learn to master your finances with this practical guide full of tips and techniques that help you live rich while spending less.

Money isn't the most important thing in a woman's life -- but it effects every aspect of how we live. So if you want to enjoy the best of life, it's important to be money savvy. Living the Savvy Life teaches you how to be mindful about money so that you have it when you need it -- and also when you truly want to splurge or treat yourself.

Living the Savvy Life isn't about being a cheapskate, a miser, or a tightwad. It's about having security and peace of mind by spending less than you make. It's about knowing where you stand financially on a daily basis so you can make intelligent fiscal decisions. It's about cooking at home more often so you can afford an occasional dinner at your favorite restaurant. It's about having a wardrobe made entirely of clothes that fit and look great on you. It's about enjoying your time off because you planned for it and know you can "afford it." It's about attaining and maintaining a balance that can sustain the life you love.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 229 Pages
  • File Size: 4,022 KB

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