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Charles & Dickens: A Christmas Story for Kids


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Sure, we all know that cats and mice are natural-born enemies. That's certainly true of Charles the cat and Dickens the mouse, but sometimes even enemies can work together. This story is about the time Charles and Dickens teamed up to save Christmas for a very special girl and her family.

Don't misunderstand. Things don't run smoothly. Not by a long shot. But in the end, Charles and Dickens do become heroes and even friends. (Well, almost.) Along the way, there's plenty of laughs and lots of action.

Moms, dads, and grandparents looking for something to read aloud to the kids: Charles and Dickens tell their tale themselves -- in alternating chapters. That means you'll get to try out your best "character voices" as you read.

With cliff-hanger chapter endings, kids will be begging for more when you finish the bedtime reading for the night. Tell them the sooner they go to sleep, the sooner they'll get to hear the next installment.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 65 Pages
  • File Size: 156 KB

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