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ABC 123: Learning Your ABCs (Early Learning Books)

by (Uncle Amon Books)

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Make Learning ABCs FUN!

Do you want your child to learn their ABCs and 123s easily?

ABC 123 is a gorgeous illustrated alphabet and number book picture book for toddlers, pre-k, and children around those ages. The adorable pictures are large and colorful and make learning simple for early and beginner readers. This children's book is perfect for early learners. Each letter is accompanied by a silly sentence that will help your child create an association with each letter.

The numbers section is created to help your child to learn to count to 10. Each number has a bright and colorul picture along with a fun rhyming sentence.

We all know learning your ABCs can be tough..

Learning the alphabet is no easy task! That's why this book was created. It makes learning the alphabet easy and fun. Every letter has a sentence that is memorable and fun to look at. Every picture is unique and your child will be able to form associations with each letter.

Easy as ABC, 123..

Learning should be fun. Learning can be an adventure! You are encouraged to read the sentences aloud to your child while they look at the colorful pictures. Interaction is the key. You can have your child repeat the sentence aloud for added benefits!

From the Best-Selling Children's Book Author, Uncle Amon

Scroll up and buy a copy today and share the magic of learning with your child!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 16, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 52 Pages
  • File Size: 2,376 KB

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