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From USA Today bestselling author Makenna Jameison comes book one in the sizzling Alpha SEALs series.
She needs his protection as much as she needs his heart...

Attorney Rebecca Mayes has already endured more than her share of tragedy. After her husband was killed in an accident, she'd do anything to shield herself from more heartache. Her success in the courtroom has not come without costs though. The disgruntled ex-husband of a client is seeking revenge -- and his sights are set on Rebecca.

Navy SEAL Patrick "Ice" Foster vowed never to be in a relationship again. The gorgeous brunette he meets on the beach isn't going to change his mind -- no matter how tempting her feminine curves, innocent glances, and fierce independence may be.

Despite their determination never to fall in love, Rebecca and Patrick can't deny the connection between them. When danger lurks around every corner, she knows there's only one man she can trust to protect both her and her daughter. But who will protect her from a broken heart?

SEAL the Deal, a standalone novel, is book one in the addictive Alpha SEALs series.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 203 Pages
  • File Size: 3,293 KB

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