



The Cat Who Loves to Chat is a read aloud, baby black cat nursery rhymes book that is written in easy-to-read rhyme style. This is the perfect black cat bedtime story book for children from preschool to little kids.

In his latest kitten story for toddlers, "The Cat Who Loves to Chat", Tim Zak -- best selling children's book writer -- helps children relate to many of the problems they encounter each day through the eyes of baby animals. Tim can help you communicate important messages to your children through rhymes and colorful illustrations!

Here Is A Preview Of What Your Children Will Discover in this Nursery Rhymes about Kittens Book...
This is the rhyming story of Cathy the Cat who loves to chat! Cathy loves to chat all day long to everyone around.

What happens when this little black cat doesn't give anyone else a chance to talk? Cathy loves to be the only one who is talking during the day!

What will happen when Cathy wanders out on Friday the 13th?

Will this little black cat be able to survive after hearing her mother warn her about staying home?

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  • We started tracking this book on February 25, 2016.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 36 Pages

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