



Inspiring real life stories to help empower young girls. A book of short stories about amazing girls and women in history. Designed for children aged 6 - 12. Give your children the chance to learn about Malala, Rosa Parks, Anne Frank, Hedy Lamarr, Ada Lovelace and Martha Payne. Including stories of science, invention, computing through to standing up for the rights of many, these are exciting real life stories about the amazing things girls can do. Perfect stories designed to fascinate, empower, inspire and entertain children. 10% of Profits go to charities supporting girls and women across the world.

I started writing this book several years ago, when my daughter was only 6 years old. I was incredibly frustrated by the lack of role models for her of women and girls who had achieved amazing things, yet were hidden in history or just not as prominent as women who have become famous for doing not very much (and certainly not much to be proud of).
This is not just a book for girls, this is a book for everyone who wants their children to understand the important role girls and women have played in shaping the world today.
Through researching the women and girls featured in this book, I came to understand a few things about what makes these women successful. Some of these women were (and are) incredibly intelligent, some were incredibly beautiful, some were very rich. However, all of them met a huge challenge in their time and with a strong sense of self-worth and determination, they achieved astonishing things. If we can all help our girls to grow up with this, we will make a positive difference to the next generation and the world.
Some of these stories include some themes that can be very difficult but important to discuss with children. I hope you can forgive me where I have tempered and simplified these facts. This is in the hope that these stories can be shared as widely as possible so that girls and boys can fully understand the amazing achievements and contribution that has been made throughout history by women. Please also use this book to pick and choose stories that you think will resonate with your children - there may be some stories that may be too tricky to discuss just ahead of bed time!
I have written this book to help our children understand the contribution of girls and women of all ages, from different religions, countries and backgrounds to making an incredible, positive difference to the world.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 53 Pages

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