





Radical Inclusion: What the Post-9/11 World Should Have Taught Us About Leadership examines today's leadership landscape and describes the change it demands of leaders. Dempsey and Brafman persuasively explain that today's leaders are in competition for the trust and confidence of those they lead more than ever before. They assert that the nature of power is changing and should not be measured by degree of control alone. They offer principles for adaptation and bring them to life with examples from business, academia, government, and the military.

In building their argument, Dempsey and Brafman introduce several concepts that illuminate both the vulnerability and the opportunity in leading today:
• Radical Inclusion. Fear of losing control in our fast-paced, complex, highly scrutinized environment is pushing us toward exclusion?exactly the wrong direction. Leaders should instead develop an instinct for inclusion. The word "radical" emphasizes the urgency of doing so.

• The Era of the Digital Echo. The speed and accessibility of information create "digital echoes" that make facts vulnerable, eroding the trust between leader and follower.

• Relinquishing Control to Preserve Power. Power and control once went hand in hand, but no longer. In today's environment, control is seductive but unlikely to produce optimum, affordable, sustainable solutions. Leaders must relinquish and share control to build and preserve power.

The principles discussed in Radical Inclusion are memorable and the book is full of engaging stories. From a young vegan's confrontation with opponents in Berkeley to a young lieutenant's surprising visitor during the Cold War, from a reflection on the significance of Burning Man to a discussion of challenges faced in the Situation Room, Radical Inclusion will provide you with leadership tools to address real leadership challenges.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 193 Pages
  • File Size: 573 KB

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