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Book #1 in the Fearless Food Allergy Friends series

Get ready for an exciting baking adventure!

Dylan loves fresh baked cupcakes more than any other food in the world. But one day he tries a new cupcake flavor from his neighborhood bakery and has a sudden allergic reaction. When told that he cannot safely eat bakery cupcakes anymore, Dylan faces a new challenge. With unstoppable determination, he bakes amazing, allergy-safe cupcakes in his own kitchen -- with a lot of messy fun along the way!

Praise for My Perfect Cupcake

"As an allergist who cares for children with food allergies, I know that living with an allergy can seem scary, intimidating, and sometimes no fun! My Perfect Cupcake helps children with food allergies understand that their feelings are normal. This book shows them that they can find creative ways to stay safe and have fun while also finding ways to live allergen-free."

--Dr. Monica Lawrence, Allergist/Immunologist

"As a pediatric allergist specializing in food allergies, I know that they can leave children feeling lonely, different from their peers, and scared to participate in celebrations or parties. My Perfect Cupcake helps children with food allergies know that they are not alone and that their feelings are normal. More importantly, it can help children without food allergies understand what their friends may be going through."

--Dr. Samantha Minnicozzi, Pediatric Allergist/Immunologist

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 44 Pages

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