



Tarsier sings a one-sided duet every dawn and every dusk, hoping one day, someone will sing back. His well-meaning neighbour, a bear cuscus, decides to gather some friends and cheer the tiny tarsier up by teaching him to sing a happy song. A lot of singing and laughter fills the jungle, but that night, Tarsier still sings his sad song. The next day his friends stand by him and help fine tune his sound? Surely he'll get an answer now!

On the surface, "Tarsier Sings His Song" is about a Tarsier being cheered up by his friends while he waits for his dreams to come true. Look deeper, and it's a story about staying true to yourself, the value of friendship, and being open to learning from creatures different from you.

Kids love the fact-filled spread at the end of the story where they can learn about tarsiers, bear cuscus's, Celebes crested Macaques, and even how to draw them!

Endangered & Misunderstood is an ongoing series of children's picture books that takes a different approach to the serious subject of lesser-known endangered animals, emphasizing laughter, adventure, and themes everyone can relate to.

Buy "Tarsier Sings His Song" to help the endangered tarsiers. All proceeds go towards the protection and conservation of tarsiers.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 33 Pages

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