



John's Camping Adventure: Does your family time consist of going camping? This Fun book about camping is great to bring along on your next camping trip.

It's about a young boy named John who experiences camping for the first time, learning about nature while he experiences new firsts in his life like catching a fish, hiking, and collecting keepsakes. But most of all John loves spending time with his family on the weekends.
It is a colorful, rhyming book teaching children about nature, family time, and new adventures with family and friends. For Ages 1-6
This book will expand children's imagination and critical thinking about other places to visit and learn about nature, and animals while enjoying the beauty of many unique places.
Great for parents and teachers who are looking for:

• promoting family time

• kids book about camping

• expanding children's imagination

• experiencing new places to visit

• books about hiking and fishing

• kids' books about nature

• children's rhyming books

• fun, colorful picture books

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 31 Pages

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