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Parents, it's no secret that gratitude is learned -- if your child struggles with this concept, then this book is a must-read!

Take your child on a journey into Gwen's life. Gwen takes the blessings in her life for granted and throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. When she learns those around her aren't as lucky, she begins to understand just how amazing her life truly is and learns an important lesson -- to be grateful for the good things in her life.

This beautifully illustrated, poignant tale of the importance of gratitude will keep your child entertained while teaching them a vital moral lesson.

Perfect for daycares, doctor's offices, school settings, and every household with children, this book imparts valuable wisdom, encourages positive behavior, and reinforces that we should be grateful and kind no matter what happens in life. Gwen's Gratitude also makes a great gift!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 24 Pages

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