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What books teach children empathy? What books teach them to stand up for themselves? What books tackle issues that are not always easy to discuss?

From the author-illustrator duo of Mallika Thoppay and Kavitha Amarnath, comes a poignant and thought provoking picture book about resilience.

Sahana and her sister, Surabhi, move to a new city and start at a new school. They both have simple common dreams - they want to learn, make friends, and have fun. It happens easily for Surabhi. But not so for Sahana. She has to face many obstacles and is treated unfairly through no fault of her own.
Should it be like this? How will she rise above this unfairness... ?

Recommended for anyone who wants to make a change..8 years and up.

Mallika Thoppay is an educator, writer and social advocate. She is a volunteer English teacher to children in rural India. She believes in women empowerment and standing up against social injustices. Kavitha Amarnath, digital artist and illustrator, is also the creator of Why can't I see God?.

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