



This book is about a little dog named the Sausage. The story is fictional, but the dog is real. I met this sweet, kind and very smart dog on the street. She's homeless. We became friends and that's how several of my children's books about stray dogs were born. This book is for the little ones. For children 3-5 years old. I wrote it as a bedtime story. What is it about? About dreams, of course! The Sausage dreams of being loved. Agree, we all want this... This exciting story will take your child to a world of dreams. There is a lot of kindness, love, adventure and compassion in this world. This is a bedtime story in verse. Simple, clear and easy to read text will help your child fall asleep and have the sweetest dreams. Yes, these are exactly the dreams that Sausage sees, dreams about people's favorite animals... I also can't help but mention the illustrator. Alexandra gave Sausage life in this book. The illustrations look amazing! Very bright, a little cartoonish. Made with soul and great love. With her help, we created not just a bedtime story, but a truly magical tale about a little stray dog named Sausage.
Sausage, I know you can't read and have no idea what Amazon is, but this book is for you. May all your simple desires turn from dreams into reality.
Happy reading!
Alex Fabller

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