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The Taller Part of Short

An uplifting romcom for fans of Beth O'Leary, Emily Bell, Helen Fielding and Miranda Hart

The Taller Part of Short features the same characters as Baby Steps - the two novels can be read in either order or as standalone books, but the events of The Taller Part of Short happen before those of Baby Steps

"I've never really felt that I'm fantastically special. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a pity party. I'm not awful, and in fact, in some ways I have been known to think I'm pretty cool, but just not in the premier league. At school, I didn't need extra help but never made the top table. Not that they'd call it the top table, it would be labelled something like 'Eagles' but the kids on the 'Pigeons' table were under no illusion as to where they ranked in the bird kingdom. I ponder my place in the ranks whenever I buy new trousers. Normal ones are too long for me, but petite ones sit just too high on my ankle and make me look like a child in last year's school uniform. So, I'm the best of the just-about-alright, the sparrow of the bird world, the taller part of short."

When Helen comes downstairs one morning to find her boyfriend Will has left her via a short-but-sour handwritten note, she sets out to discover the truth behind his abrupt goodbye. It's hard to read between the lines when there's only one line.

All too soon, Helen meets the gorgeous and charismatic Jake. Will he be the answer to her problems or just throw up more questions? When further betrayals come to light, will Helen's self-doubt, coupled with Jake's own issues, offer a series of insurmountable obstacles to their happy ever after?

Join Helen as she is dragged to speed dating by her friend Katie and helped by her friend Jenny, a vibrant youth worker who has cystic fibrosis related diabetes and takes insulin and pancreatic enzymes as an aperitif. Cross your fingers for Helen as she gets toffee stuck to her teeth during a job interview and ends up on stage in sequins and roller-boots.

Encountering friends, exes and a job interview where she has to encourage resilience in a group of teenagers, can Helen find fulfillment, love and most importantly, herself?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 309 Pages
  • File Size: 720 KB

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